1000+ visits | A big thank and news about upcoming guide


I want to thank you all for the interest you showed in those only 2 posts this blog has.
Well, i never expected to have 1000+ visits in the second day of activity, so i want to /cheer with you!

❤ you all.

I’m working on the final version of a AH tweaking guide
I wont tell you that a fat-ass idiot with IQ=2 can earn 40k golds in 4 days, but tweaking it with right tools and using common sense and a bit of brain is possible to earn 5k golds per week, working on it 1 hour per day.
I wont tell you stories about resales and craps like that, what i’m gonna show you is the way to optimize, tweak, exploit the most powerful tool to make golds we have on WoW.

Believe me, what i’m gonna tell you is really usefull 🙂

So, stay tuned!

Could happen today or tomorrow!


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